Start your own children’s theater! You can do it! 1) First, you need a place. Ideally, the local school will welcome you as an after school program – rent free as our town did for us. Next try church basements, VFW’s or some such community centers. The key to success is obtaining cheap space, then all else will fall into place. 2) Personnel: Optimally, a piano player is needed to sing and pound out the vocal parts but you can get by with our learning music tracks only, and many do. Practice with vocal music first than gradually shift to the instrumental. Budding choreographers can be found at local dance studios and parents make good volunteers. 3) Concentrate and emphasize costumes first. The kids love costumes, hair-do’s, and make-up more than anything and they’re your clients. Therefore, choose a play that involves a minimal set such as “Mother Goose” or “Ellis Island”. Also, it’s easy to supplement the sets with projections and images can be found free on the internet. 4) Structure: At first we were private teachers akin to piano teachers or tutors earning extra income. Later we filed, on our own, the paper work to our state –CT and the Federal Government for non-profit status. This allows donors to deduct their donations and you don’t have to pay taxes if you make any money. We also avoided liability insurance for several years until we were required to purchase it. 5) Teaching Method: On the first day, read through the script and teach a few songs, then conduct open auditions. Simultaneously teach music, dance, and scenes in different locations. Line read to demonstrate the different ways to deliver the dialogue. Kids are natural mimics. Double cast the major roles to give more opportunity in both lead and chorus roles. This also protects the show against illness. Occasionally, at the end of class, have the children perform for each other. This motivates learning and memorization. 6) How much to charge? Answer - $150 - $250 is reasonable with 25-50 students per class. The more children, the larger the audience. Charge $7 - $12 per ticket, sell refreshments and DVD’s($20) and Photo DVD’s($10). The DVD’s are more than valuable keepsakes of happy memories, but also provide the students with the means to analyze their performance. Our videographer also snaps photos during a show which are popular items in this age of social media. Operating a children’s theater is an exciting occupation and or avocation. Every aspect from teaching, to show should and will be enjoyable if you love being with children and employ these simple organizational precepts. You’re in the happiness business. You’ll know what I mean when you hear the children’s cries of glee after your first show. Collapsible text is great for longer section titles and descriptions. It gives people access to all the info they need, while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, or set your text box to expand on click. Write your text here...